Believing And Achieving

This is cringe teritory. I can’t believe I write these kinds of things back then, not that I write some amazing stuff now, but still I’ve evoled a bit


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Dreams we all have them, We all need them to live a life. A man without dreams is a man dead inside. Our dreams are what makes our life exciting, having something that you want to see happen in your life.

It may be a small dream or a big one, but we all have them and rightly so, it is what makes a person wake up in the morning excited to achieve something cause they want to make their dream come true.

Now we come to the serious part. Why do most people give up on their dreams?! When do they give up on their dreams? What makes a person give up?, I wondered about these questions like any dreamer would, and frankly I’ll continue to wonder forever. ” You may think you know all the answers, but you don’t”. – is what keeps me thinking about these things.

The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that people never really believe they can achieve their dreams. It may seem impossible for a broke person who is in debt to think that he/she may become a millionaire someday.

Everyone may have these doubts and its natural. As human beings we have a habit to doubt ourselves all the time. This is the ability which helps us save energy and not pursue ridiculously hard tasks. Its a defence mechanism we have evolved with which helps us save time and effort, and analyze our situation and find errors.

If we doubt ourselves we would pay more attention to the things which we doubt and reduce our chances to make errors, but as human beings we are pretty bad at recognizing our own potential and our ability to adapt and learn new things.

We specially bad when we don’t have any experience in that field. As we gain more knowledge and experience we get better and better at gauging our own skills properly reducing the margin of error and reducing out self doubt to minimal.
This is the first reason for our failure because, we think it’s impossible and never start.

We fail before we even try to go after our dreams. Its important to believe in our dreams first, before we can even begin with it. You can generally gauge how much a person believes in their dreams. The more a person believes in their dreams the more likely they are to achieve it.

You have to be obsessed. Elon musk wants to do what is thought as impossible, wants to send humans to Mars and attempt to colonize the red giant. If you’ve ever watched his interviews about this topic, you’d see a man obsessed, not a man who just thinks its impossible and backs out before even trying.

You might have any dream that you might want to see achieved, if you believe in your dream you are half way there. The rest is just about trying to find a way to get to the destination.