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How To Lower Myostatin

Fleeting notes on Myostatin and how to reduce it


min read

What Is Myostatin

  • Is a Gene (Protein)
  • Messes up satellite cell activation
  • Messes up protein synthesis
  • Messes up insulin sensitivity
  • increases protein breakdown (muscle loss)
  • prevents Hyperplasia
  • The 3 gram rule (If your body synthesizes 3 grams of protein everyday, you’ll gain 1 pound of muscle a month)

Examples Of Low Myostatin

High Levels Of Myostatin

  • Women (Women have up to twice as many myostatin receptors as Men)
  • Old People (Myostatin levels drop with age)
  • South Asian (South Asians are genetically predisposed to have higher levels of myostatin, which is why they are usually lean)
  • Bed Ridden, Casts, Wheelchairs

10 Fastest Ways To Lower Myostatin


  • Gene (Protein)
  • No.1 inhibitor of myostatin
  • Binds to it

Full Body Workout

  • Full body training gives a bigger reduction in myostatin compared to a split routine
  • Training full body is better than just lower body or worse just the upper body (full body > lower body > upper body)

Nucleus Overload

  • High frequency training
  • Drop in myostatin only lasts for about 8-12 hours (This is also the reason why protein synthesis peaks within the 24-hour period)
  • MGF (IGF-1) 12-24 hours post workout


  • Heavy Negatives
  • Or you can do high volume concentrics to match heavy negative, It’s one or the other

Anabolic Hormones

  • Any anabolic hormones will lower myostatin
  • Testosterone
  • IGF-1
  • MGF (Mechano Growth Factor)
  • Growth hormone

Lactic Acid

  • Lactic acid lead to a lower myostatin
  • Increases Follistatin

High Protein Diet

  • Especially Leucine
  • Amino acids


  • Improves Follistatin to Myostatin ratio


  • Lowers myostatin


  • Is shown to lower myostatin
  • In green tea
  • In dark chocolate