fox girl

My Push Pull Legs Workout

The workout plan I follow is simple and easy to follow, You can do this at home with some basic equipments


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I use to follow 7 days a weekly schedule but, now it’s more like 4 days a week. I can say that 7 days a week makes a significant improvement for me when I’m just working out at home.

Why do I say 7 days instead of 6? Because there is 1 day for ab workout which is not included in the workouts below.

The workout may be called push, pull, legs but, actually what I follow is pull, push, legs. That’s just for better rest times for the muscles. This doesn’t matter if you’re working out just 4 times a week

This workout is divided into two parts –

Pull 1

  • 1×5 Deadlifts 【80% ORM】【Perform 4 warm-up sets
  • 3×8-10 Chest Supported Row
  • 2-3×10-12 DB Pullovers
  • 3×8-10 High Pull
  • 3xF Bicep Chin Curls*
  • 3×10-12 Overhead Tricep Extension*
  • 3×15-20 Angel and Devils

Pull 2

  • 3×5 Snatch Grip Deadlift 【Using a weight you can do for 8 reps】
  • 3×6-8 Weight Pullups 【with deadlifts if grip is compromised here】
  • 3×10-12 Each Arm DB Gorilla Rows
  • 2-3×12-15 Straight Arm Pushdowns
  • 3×6-8 Barbell Curls*
  • 3×10-12 Tricep Pushdowns*
  • 3×15-20 Face Pulls

Push 1

  • 4×4-6 Barbell Bench Press 【Leave 1-2 reps in the tank】
  • 3×10-12 High-to-Low Crossover
  • 4×8-10 DB Shoulder Press
  • 3×12-15 1½ Side Laterals
  • 3×10-12 Lying Triceps Extensions*
  • 3×10-12 DB Waiter’s Curls*
  • 3×15-20 Rotator Cuff External Rotation


  • 4×4-6 Barbell OHP 【Leave 1-2 reps in the tank】
  • 3×8-10 DB Underhand Bench Press
  • 3×8-10 Each Arm Abduction Row
  • 3×10-12 DB Floor Fly
  • 3×6-8 Close Grip Bench Press *
  • 3×10-12 DB Curl of Choice*
  • 3xF Pushup Plus

*Superset with other marked exercises


  • 4 x 4-6 – Squats (Leave 1-2 in the tank)
  • 3 x 8-10 – Barbell Hip Thrust
  • 2-3 x 10-12 – DB/BB Alt. Reverse Lunges (each leg)
  • Single Leg RDL – 2-3 x 10-12 each leg rotate with Slick Floor Bridge Curls – 2-3 x F
  • Standing DB Calf Raises rotate with Seated DB Calf Raises – 3 x 15-20 each