
What Alcohol Does To Your Body, Brain & Health

All of the text is converted from a diagram that I made as it’s quite hard to showcase the whole diagram here Even low consumption of alcohol, such as 1 drink per day (or 5-7 a week) has been shown to cause thinning of neocortex and other brain regions. Alcohol is both water and fat…


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All of the text is converted from a diagram that I made as it’s quite hard to showcase the whole diagram here

Even low consumption of alcohol, such as 1 drink per day (or 5-7 a week) has been shown to cause thinning of neocortex and other brain regions.

Alcohol is both water and fat soluble
This means it can pass through all the tissues of your body.

There are 3 main types of alcohol
1 – Isopropyl
2 – Methyl
3 – Ethyl

Out of these 3 only Ethyl alcohol is fit for humans
However it is still toxic for human consumption.

As we can’t metabolize ethyl alcohol, our bodies have to convert them to into a digestible form.

Our body achieves this with the help of NAD. Ref Link

NAD converts alcohol into acetaldehyde

Acetaldehyde is poisonous and kills cells indiscriminately.

This then get converted to acetate by another pathway with the help of NAD
Which your body can then use as fuel.

If your body can’t convert ethenol to actaldehyde to acetate fast enough, acetaldehyde will build up in your body and cause more damage.

So it’s important to do this conversion very quickly
and the place where it does that is our liver.

Even though the cells in the liver are exceptional at converting, They do take a beating over time
Finally acetate is converted into usable calories.