Why Judge A Book Anyway?!

A small rant on gender ideology, BTW a lot of things have changed in the world now, I wrote this in 2017


min read

A few days ago I came across an actor who was wearing feminine looking dresses which striked up a conversation which went like this, Why men would wear feminine looking clothes and is masculinity just related to what we wear and how we behave?!

  • Now in my opinion masculinity or even femininity is something that is just inside our heads. A person can be as masculine or feminine as they can be in there own heads and no one around them would have an idea.
  • Which begs to ask the question what is gender derived behavior anyway. There are transsexuals and sexless people too, how can we determine how masculine or feminine are they?!
  • The whole issue is how we look at someone and judge them according to their looks. whether its their way of talking to the clothes they wear, We take into account all the subtle and not so subtle behavior cues to calculate how masculine or feminine someone is.
  • This results into creating some preconceived notions that a man should be masculine and a woman should be feminine, But isn’t it all just a messed up way of thinking?! Why do we even have to care what a persons gender is in the first place to talk to them? A man can be masculine and a woman can be feminine all they want does it change the way we even treat them?

To conclude this rant like post, All I want to say is – Can we think beyond our gender based mentality? Can we somehow get better as humans first?!